Mühendislik Fakültesi


2011 WORMS Ödülü

Prof. Dr. Berna Dengiz,  13-17 Kasım 2011 tarihleri arasında katıldığı INFORMS konferansından 2011 WORMS ödülünü almıştır. INFORMS içinde WORMS (Women in Operations Research and Management Science- Yöneylem Araştırması ve Yönetim Biliminde Kadınlar ) topluluğu tarafından, bu alandan çalışan başarılı kadın akademisyenlere özellikle kadın akademisyenlerin akademik gelişimlerine yapılan katkılardan ötürü verilen bu ödül (WORMS 2011 AWARDS (Women in OR/MS) ödülü) ilk kez ABD dışından bir Türk akademisyene verilmiştir. Aday gösterilen akademisyenler arasından seçilen hocamızı kutlar, başarılarının devamını dileriz.

 Ödül Töreni Konuşma Metni

Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen,

I am greatly honored to be selected for the 2011 WORMS award. I want to thank the committee members of 2011 WORMS award for supporting me and acknowledging my professional achievements. 
This award means a lot to me as, it is the recognition of my hard work during more than thirty years. My special thanks is for Dr. Altiparmak, she is my first Ph.D. student and is a professor at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey, for nominating me for this award.
During my career, I had the opportunity to collaborate with many fine and smart people and to supervise a very large number of graduate students many of which are women. 
I would like to thank them all for productive interactions and prolific exchange of ideas. I cannot name them all here but I feel that, they are here with me celebrating this precious moment. 
Last but not least, I would like to acknowledge my husband Tahir and my Daughter Esma Burcin, who are here with me today. Tahir has always encouraged and supported me in my work life for the past 36 years. 
I know that all of us here work hard to make contributions in OR/MS and the women careers in this field and we believe that there is still a lot to do together.
In conclusion, it has been a great deal of satisfaction to work in this field and it has been very rewarding for me to be a member of INFORMS and WORMS, to participate in and to meet with you all. 
As my last words,
I deeply thank to Dr.Mehmet Haberal, who is the Founder and the former President of Başkent University; for his extreme support for women in academia. 
I would like to remember and express my special thanks to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk because he strongly believed in women`s rights being equal to men`s. As you might know, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Founder of The Republic of Turkey, gave equal rights to Turkish women before many western countries did. This is one of the important factors that led Turkish women to excel in male dominated areas such as engineering, techonology and math and make careers in those professions. While most other countries have small numbers of women in engineering, some European countries have made little progress. However, the most successful country in which women show their existence in engineering and science, is Turkey. We know that this has occurred as a direct result of policy adopted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. 
Thank you all for being here today.....

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